Meet the Vidi team

A warm welcome to all new team members who have joined in the last months as part of our new Vidi team. Fabian Lie started his PhD project already in September, and dr. Beatriz Rodriguez-Hernandez and dr. Pierre Lechifflart both joined the groups as postdocs just recently. It is already a pleasure to be working with you all.

Vidi grant for Linn

Linn is one out of four UT researchers to receive the Vidi grant of the NWO. The Vidi enables researchers to establish a new line of research with a budget of 800k€. Linn’s Vidi titled “Catch a wave - Directing energy- and charge-transfer in soft materials” is focused on developing Green’s function-based methods for calculating excited state forces and dynamics in complex solids. More information can be found here.